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If you are being harassed or abused by a debt collector:


  • Answer your phone.

  • Record the phone call if possible.

  • Make a written note of the time, date and phone number of the call received.

  • Save debt collector contact information on your phone or by taking a photograph.

  • Save all letter correspondence from the debt collector including the envelope.

  • Inform other third parties (friends, family, employer) other than your spouse that they may have a claim if the debt collector continues to call them about your debt.

  • Contact a Fair Debt Collection Practices Act (FDCPA) Consumer Attorney.




If you are being harassed or abused by a telemarketer:


  • Answer your phone.

  • Record the phone call if possible.

  • Make a written note of the time, date and phone number of the call received.

  • Make a written note of whether or not the call is from a pre-recorded artificial voice or live voice.

  • Save the telemarketer contact information on your phone or take a photograph of the information.

  • Make a written note whether or not the phone call is an attempt to sell you a good or service.

  • Contact a Telephone Consumer Protection Act (TCPA) Consumer Attorney.



We Protect Your Rights & Fight For You!


Call or email our firm today or complete the case evalutation form below to have one of our legal specialists contact you.  We can help!  Remember, at Ceaser Law we work on a contingency fee basis - which means if we don't recover for you you owe absolutely nothing.




What Should You Do?


There are a number of things you can do to document the illegal tactics that are being used by debt collectors or telemarketers.  It's important to keep records so you can have the strongest possible case against them.  Below are some guidleines for documenting and proving your case.

Are  Debt  Collectors  Harassing  You?


CALL NOW  713-796-9911

We Sue Debt Collectors at No Cost to You!
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